The combination of oil, gas and coal easily represents over 81% of the world total primary energy supply.
But what should women do for their remaining postmenopausal years, which could easily represent a third or more of their lives?
We can easily represent things as we wish them to be.
Because it is small it could easily represent the earthquake in Jamaica.
Because it is small it could easily represent the Day of Judgment.
In 1928, King did rather better, and indeed his 629 runs at 19.06, with three half-centuries, represented easily the best season's return of his short career.
It deals with developing approaches to the interactive, graphical access to research data in order to make it easily represented and searchable.
A series on Showtime, beginning tomorrow night, easily represents the most macabre entry in the game.
Their protection has a huge effect on the fiscal arithmetic, since pensions represent easily the single largest share of social security.
The "farm" that Dylan sings of can in this case easily represent racism, state oppression and capitalist exploitation.