In the course of the morning an attack was made and easily repulsed.
The initial assault was easily repulsed and the Rumanians began to dig in some fifty yards away from us.
Winzigerode's attacks were feeble and easily repulsed by the French.
There was also a sense that any attack on Pearl Harbor would be easily repulsed.
We read about battles in news magazines: "A series of counter attacks were easily repulsed."
The attacks probably never had the intention of capture ground and were easily repulsed.
The Turkish forces were repulsed easily and after two days of fighting, they retreated.
Attacks intended as feints against other parts of the British position were easily repulsed.
Had he mounted a credible defense of the defile, Alexander would have been easily repulsed.
That upon Zeerust, on January 7th, was a small matter and easily repulsed.