Wulfgar easily sidestepped the blow, caught the pirate by the wrist, and slapped his other hand into the man's crotch.
While in overdrive, the vampire combatants could easily sidestep any bullets whizzing through the air.
Drizzt easily sidestepped and then returned the throw with his dagger.
One came at me with his head lowered like a charging bull; I sidestepped easily and floored him with a single blow.
Hercules easily sidestepped the blind run, tucking away from the reach of the sword and, at the same time, slapping the man's back.
The Speaker easily sidestepped the blow and grappled with his bleary son.
The circus star easily sidestepped the oncoming body and grabbed it as it went by.
The people were not easily and readily sidestepped by the construction of the road and fought for a different route in the planning process.
Havoc, surprised at her sloppy style, easily sidestepped to the right.
She saw him easily sidestep the pike thrust and close on Gat.