I could easily surmise which teacher had been successful, and which had not wrought the effects I desired.
"And Christian went to further investigate the claims," Julia easily surmised.
His ruddy, weathered face had seen the birth and death of centuries, the humans easily surmised.
Still, as the art on view here suggests and as travelers to the region might easily surmise, the swamp would probably grow back in no time and ferociously overwhelm its human intruders if they simply failed to mow their lawns.
The small boy (Dean Stockwell) has a beautiful Aunt Susie, and astute viewers can easily surmise the rest.
He had been punished by the Oracle on numerous occasions, and she could easily surmise that he had attempted one time too many to spread his sacrilege, this time to the outworlders.
Sadly, one can easily surmise that the only institution that welcomes young black and Latino males is the criminal justice system.
Bartok's work squeezed into this program by the skin of its barely fugal teeth: one might easily surmise from the performance that these musicians just love playing it.
He desired to avoid any detailed modeling of the people, and found that his original simple dot representation during development was sufficient, with players able to easily surmise what the humans and zombies were doing at a glance.