But in its full instrumental dress, it easily sustained the weight of the large chorus here.
Mr. Severin begins with Wallace himself, a fascinating, self-effacing genius whose life could easily sustain a volume or two by itself.
Ahad Ha'am seemed to know that he could not easily sustain his thesis about the uniqueness of Jewish ethics.
Objects held close to him, such as his costume, were protected from harm; his cape, meanwhile, could easily sustain damage in battle.
The Bf 109, owing to its slats, could easily sustain the turn on the edge of a stall.
The play is almost a two-hander and, under Ron Lagomarsino's unobtrusive direction, it easily sustains our interest for its 90-minute duration.
The musical easily sustains that approach as character after character commands the spotlight for a self-defining song.
We reached the conclusion, which we can easily sustain, that the proposals were adequately covered by the means I suggested.
While trade can easily sustain itself, passion has nothing stopping it from going to the extreme.
This is not a design that can easily sustain an endless crush of tourist traffic.