If you find that your cuticles and nails are separating, it may be due to a nasty - but easily treatable - infection.
Many children died of easily treatable ailments.
She notes that a cat on the ship had lost all his fur and then died, strong evidence for Rickettsialpox, a disease easily treatable with antibiotics.
These abnormalities can also result from infection, inflammation or other conditions and in most cases are easily treatable.
These are easily treatable with commercial insecticides or cultural pest removal methods.
"But patients also should be aware that non-melanoma skin cancers are easily treatable."
And so, they don't treat a major depression that would be easily treatable.
Vision problems in infants are both common and easily treatable if addressed early by an ophthalmologist.
It is easily treatable, but can be fatal when undetected.
By getting preventive care, they could avoid needless hospitalizations for easily treatable conditions.