However, the containment easily withstood this event and no radioactivity was released.
Liberator could easily withstand the assault of several warships before taking serious damage.
"Scans confirm that the shields can easily withstand the forces we are now experiencing."
The utility says the plant can easily withstand a temblor of that magnitude.
The action was extremely strong, and could easily withstand the increased pressure of the new smokeless powders coming into use by the late 1880s.
Whatever concerns the king had for his queen he knew that Bamburgh was strong and could easily withstand a siege.
He does not need to eat, sleep or breathe, and can easily withstand the rigors of space.
What the hull could easily withstand would smash the delicate robot to bits, and he was only going to do this once.
The cap on punitive damages, she said, is especially beneficial to large companies that can easily withstand awards in the range of $250,000.
As well, they can easily withstand artillery fire.