For eastbound travelers this is the last exit in New York.
By 1971, an interchange at I-80 giving eastbound travelers on that route an exit to southbound SR-195 and vice-versa was completed.
This is a partial interchange, providing access to Roff for eastbound travelers and access to the westbound lanes from Roff.
The tasting room of Osprey's Dominion, the last winery that can be visited by eastbound travelers, occupies a low-slung building.
Since January 30, 2012, the automobile toll has been $1.50, and is collected from eastbound travelers only.
All afternoon the police were directing drivers to stay clear of the expressway, and recommending that eastbound travelers travel east on the Southern State Parkway and Sunrise Highway.
The Summer Street Bridge, which crosses the channel, has a sign which welcomes eastbound travelers to South Boston, and westbound travelers to Fort Point.
ALDOT, as of July 2010, has no plans to construct an Alabama Welcome Center for eastbound travelers from Mississippi into Alabama.
In opposition to the weaving and other conflicts in the westbound road, eastbound travelers have it much easier.
This allows eastbound travelers to more easily access Ada.