The sun was well over the brow of the eastern highlands.
In the eastern Georgian highlands common endings are "uri" and "uli".
By the beginning of the 20th century, the eastern Highlands had been mostly tapped out as an easy source of minerals and were reforesting.
In the eastern highlands the high plateaus are covered with grasses and deciduous forests.
Molten globules of green and brown glass showered the eastern highlands as the Ship's integument exploded away.
In the DRC's eastern highlands, conditions have grown particularly severe.
A few others nodded or murmured agreement; not all of them were from the eastern highlands, either.
Population growth was rapid after 1870, largely because of immigration from the eastern highlands.
In the eastern highlands, smoke drifts up from active volcanoes and hot springs bubble from the ground.
The park's eastern highlands are distinct for two reasons.