The sprawling town is the largest in eastern Mali.
The Songhai Empire was a western African state centered in eastern Mali.
Since the middle of the 8th century AD, the Songhai people had dwelled in eastern Mali at the trading city of Gao.
What is apparent is that the kingdom maintained a preoccupation with regaining or at least undermining Saadi rule in eastern Mali.
The antipodes of Fiji are in eastern Mali, around the northernmost bend of the Niger River.
The Gao Region is in eastern Mali.
The first attacks of the rebellion took place in Ménaka, a small town in far eastern Mali, on 16 and 17 January 2012.
For the Senegal River, these rains fell principally in the headwaters in eastern Mali and Guinea.
Ansongo is a rural commune and small town in the Gao Region of eastern Mali.
The Kayes Region is in eastern Mali.