The 1920 Treaty of Sèvres gave Greece eastern Thrace and an area of about 17,000 km2 in western Anatolia around Smyrna.
Most of eastern Thrace was overrun by Ottoman forces within a decade and permanently brought under Orhan's control by means of heavy colonization.
The baby (who was baptised Teresa) was given into the care of Zaharoff, who found a family to raise her in eastern Thrace (in Adrianopole).
We approached Plovdiv from Istanbul across the sad monotony of eastern Thrace.
By 1923, only Anatolia and eastern Thrace remained as the Muslim land.
Nevertheless, after their occupation, Ivan Alexander refrained from direct action against Kantakouzenos' forces operating in southern and eastern Thrace.
The Greek variant was first recorded in 1890 in eastern Thrace.
The Allies (Britain, France, Italy) retained control of eastern Thrace and the Bosporus.
The town was looted by the Bulgarians who continued their victorious march through eastern Thrace and captured many more towns and fortresses.
Fellow Members, these people who were driven out of eastern Thrace do not have documents for their property.