It is an all too common occurrence here in Colombia's eastern hinterlands, a region of swamps and rice paddies where Occidental Petroleum of Los Angeles has pumped crude for 16 years.
Meereen and Yunkai are rivals but not enemies, the Doom destroyed Valyria, the folk of the eastern hinterlands are all Ghiscari, and beyond the hills lies Lhazar.
But so is nearly every other bleary-eyed rider on this packed rush-hour train and dozens of others from Long Island's eastern hinterlands.
Notably, the contacts with Croatia were very scarce given the absence of land connections of Fiume with its eastern hinterland.
At a minimum, Uganda and Rwanda sought to deny exiled rebel movements use of Congo's vast eastern hinterlands as a staging ground for their operations.
However, the existence of quite a number of communities bearing 'Onicha' in the eastern Igbo hinterland, whose history do not relate to Edo, did severely jeopardise this hypothesis.
Kia's site, though not in the eastern hinterland, will bring development closer to it.
Keshan was a barbaric kingdom lying in the eastern hinterlands of Kush where the broad grasslands merge with the forests that roll up from the south.
The mountain structure forms the first barrier to communication between the Mediterranean and Lebanon's eastern hinterland.
That is bad news for Western Europe, still struggling to emerge from recession and desperately needing a spur from its under-developed eastern hinterland.