Finally, the increased Republican margin in the Senate doesn't automatically assure the president of easy approval for his legislative proposals.
All of the bills passed today except the one cutting the sales tax now go to the Assembly, where easy approval is expected.
The bill is expected to gain easy approval in the Senate this fall.
European Union officials said tonight that the ban on animal parts in feed won easy approval from a majority of members, though some countries objected.
Despite easy approval of the energy plan by the House on Tuesday, opposition mounted in the Senate throughout the week.
Members of both parties said they expected the bill to gain easy approval.
In contrast to its easy approval this week by the House, the legislation came under attack from senators of both parties.
North Korea's application is also expected to win easy approval.
He is expected to win an easy approval by the full Senate in January.
When the landmark 1996 welfare reform law came up for reauthorization in 2002, easy approval was expected.