All of the data included in the Atlas are aggregated into an Excel spreadsheet for easy download.
Linux distributions Debian and Ubuntu also have ready-to-use openclipart packages for easy download and install from their online software repositories.
It has been matured and packaged into a single, simple, easy download.
Steve also hosts 16KB versions of this for easy download.
It can be uploaded to a website or FTP server for easy download by others.
It allows easier downloads from newsgroups - that's all it does!!
The repackaged videos are converted to various sizes and formats and uploaded to free file-hosting sites for easy download for viewers.
Most are genuine downloads, easy to navigate on playback, and high in quality.
Tugo contains MP3 software and circuitry that allows for easy downloads from your laptop or PC.
It was a comparatively small download, fast and easy to install, and it was specific to Web applications.