The voice was a strong resonant bass, speaking with an easy drawl, and the footsteps were heavy.
Well," Jones said, in his easy drawl, "I laid on a compliment.
The Scottish guy's voice was a low, easy drawl that sounded effortlessly sardonic.
Hatcher had a slow, easy southwestern drawl that went with his manner.
In that case," came the easy drawl, "the past will be forgotten.
"Look, we're all set here, Dave," Rizor told him in an easy drawl.
She had an easy drawl, an accent he thought of as from somewhere Out West rather than Down South.
He had listened to some of it again to hear her voice, this girl with the easy drawl, nothing put-on about her.
Wilkes was a Virginian with a soft, easy drawl.
"We're going to be dancing tonight," he said in his easy drawl.