When the fitted jacket is added, the effect is an easy elegance.
The standout interiors they put together share one thing: an easy elegance.
He lifted his hand with an easy elegance to hover near her face before leaning in to cup her cheek.
Even though Mr. Houston, 46, was never a star, his reliable presence and easy elegance will be missed.
It all had the easy elegance of a vacation, a wonderful mirage for those who work through August.
His own style is rough compared to Lundberg's easy elegance.
Frail of build, Yasir's game is built on timing and an easy elegance.
His easy elegance was absent; he seemed disheveled and distraught.
Louis Busigo, the general manager, runs the place with an easy elegance.
She was slightly taller than the Indians, and carried herself with an easy elegance.