He ordered his units to regroup into smaller squads for easy maneuvering and penetration.
Its blade is rounded on both ends to allow for easy maneuvering.
The design allows for easy maneuvering over different terrains, inclines, and corners.
Two heavy-duty push handles for installing one on both ends for easier maneuvering.
This mechanism provide a low profile when collapsed, for easy maneuvering underneath the vehicle, while allowing considerable extension.
Unique trimmer is lightweight and designed for easy maneuvering.
The electric power steering was speed-sensitive, allowing for easier maneuvering at low speeds.
Though it was necessary for sailing, this feature precluded quick turns and easy maneuvering.
Cramped, with no storage space, the house was impossible to organize for easy maneuvering.
The aircraft's wheels freely castered for easier maneuvering on the ground.