The errant satellite did not, like newer ones, carry handles for easy retrieval.
A significant number of items can be stored for easy retrieval without burdening the user with either weight or size.
The pots are dropped in a straight line (known as a "string") for easier retrieval.
To provide modern facilities of library services to the users including quick and easy retrieval through the automation of the collection.
That all new slides be transferred to modern storage systems to facilitate easy retrieval.
Some of them even had built-in transponders for tracking wounded game and easy retrieval.
The open design and multiple shelves allow for easy retrieval of diaper wipes, clothes or whatever your little one may need.
Minimum distortion of the gun body to help ensure easy retrieval.
The shift has been driven by four factors: digitization, cheap storage, easy retrieval, and global reach.
So what can you do to organize your shirts for easy retrieval?