None in sight, sir; just merchantmen jogging along under easy sail.
A little before this the British squadron had worn together by signal, and now they were on the starboard tack, under easy sail.
Smiling, the Mouser set course for Salthaven, an easy sail now with the favoring wind.
"Three squadrons- coming up-Channel in cruising formation under easy sail."
He was running east-south-east under easy sail: topsails, forecourse dewed up.
And that same evening the sentinel came hallooing down - there was a ship in with the land, making for the harbour under an easy sail.
Well, the flotilla could sail south under easy sail for a couple of days and give the guns' crews plenty of exercise.
And the first outpost is about a day away--an easy sail.
A ship, he decided at last: a ship under easy sail on the opposite tack.
There has been a lot of stuff that hasn't made it an easy sail.