Moving the rear brakes outboard eliminated the heat transfer problem and allowed for easier servicing.
The brakes were moved to the outboard ends of the driveshafts to enable better heat dissipation and easier servicing.
It had many interchangeable parts to reduce spares stocks, could have major maintenance in the field and had sixteen access hatches for easy servicing.
These were chosen to provide a compact boiler, but with easier servicing than for a vertical boiler.
Like the Turmo installation, these engines were mounted, uncowled behind the cabin for easy servicing.
Romaine stopped in the tube-shaped tunnel with all its conduits and power guides exposed for easy servicing.
This latter item allowed the drivetrain to be unbolted and removed more quickly for easier servicing.
The entire engine, drive-train and steering unit could be removed by undoing four bolts to allow for easy servicing.
The receiver's construction is modular for easy servicing.
The walk-in engine room provides easy servicing of the generator, electrical equipment and 116 hp diesel.