Just now there was none of that in the debonnair, easy-going man of the world who advanced to meet his friend.
He was popular anyway, for he was a cheerful and easy-going young man.
He was an easy-going man, and one whom an adroit secretary might be able to twist round his little finger.
They were unsettling eyes for as easy-going a man as Brand Carstairs.
He was a spirited, easy-going man with a whimsical sense of humor.
He is an easy-going man, likes to fish the Severn and to keep up on the news of his neighbors.
He is an easy-going man, and he likes the animals.
He was an easy-going man and had learned to bide his time.
He was a care-free, easy-going young man - a startling contrast to the stern and serious Patrick.
Paul is a most easy-going man.