There Barnhart was known for his leadership, easy-going manner, and communication skills.
He had a warm expression and easy-going manner at odds with his punked-out persona.
There was nothing of the kender's easy-going manner.
His easy-going manner and gift for languages provided access to people and information not available to others.
I don't think we've met,' he said, the easy-going, friendly manner suddenly gone.
Humor comes more from Andy's consternation with others than from his easy-going manner.
I always like to take my time when I go fishing, to tackle up and bait the swim in a relaxed, easy-going manner.
Normally he was relaxed and had an easy-going manner.
His words had an edge to them, and his easy-going manner of only a moment earlier changed into a guarded expression.
He had an easy-going manner, was an intelligent and caring copper and let the men under his command get on with their jobs.