His easy-going personality is a ruse.
It is also his duty to maintain balance in the world, which conflicts with his easy-going, fun-loving personality.
She never hesitates to speak up in front of her bosses, but has an easy-going personality with a tomboyish nature.
He seems to have an easy-going, friendly personality in contrast to his cold demeanor in the movies.
John is one of the more laid-back, easy-going personalities on the Atlantis Expedition.
She has an easy-going personality and a lust for battle; she is always searching for an opponent strong enough to kill her.
He has an easy-going personality on the outside and is often seen smiling.
Despite this, his friends and co-stars describe him as having a very pleasant, easy-going personality.
He has the right personality: placid, calm, easy-going.
She has a nice and easy-going personality and gets along with people, and is sometimes quite naive.