Now there is the Writing Center, a surprisingly versatile but still easy-to-use program for Macintosh computers that no member of the family should scorn.
Both TurboTax and TaxCut have also developed increasingly sophisticated but easy-to-use programs over the years.
Personal discussions, conferences and the publication of papers and articles must be supported by easy-to-use programs providing access to the new techniques.
For years, the Mysoftware company has been marketing easy-to-use one-task programs for low prices.
Quicken is a well-planned and easy-to-use program, but so are its major competitors.
Ultimately, he found it "a nice, easy-to-use program."
These had little impact on the Mac market, as most of these never appeared in an easy-to-use program on the Mac.
One benefit of the Zip drive is its collection of easy-to-use programs for backing up, restoring and keeping files in sync between computers.
"This easy-to-use program actually gives you the feeling you are performing a hands-on lab activity on your computer," or so promotional material says.
To protect children, parents can buy easy-to-use programs that block indecent materials from any source.