Another chef who works in the kitchen, Hiroomi is a young man with an easygoing attitude.
And his easygoing attitude made him popular with teammates and coaches, who were eager to keep him.
That was good, and Bork knew how to exaggerate his normally easygoing attitude to the point where he might seem less than bright.
"It's not forbidden there, and, well, some of our guys develop an easygoing attitude toward drugs."
They had an easygoing attitude to all personal relations.
The Dead's easygoing attitude toward concert recordings had been a bulwark of its legend.
Judging from the servers' casual street garb and easygoing attitudes, one might expect service to be lackadaisical at best.
"Sous-Sol" is set in 1967, and it captures both the look and easygoing attitude of the era.
The musicians who are interviewed and perform in concert sequences display a uniformly easygoing attitude toward mainstream success.
She favored dark hair and easygoing attitudes.