If I don't come over and check you around midnight and see your lips look like you've been eating blueberries.
Because the compound appears to be effective even in low concentrations, people might be able to get the cholesterol-lowering benefit simply by eating blueberries.
"They look as if they'd all been eating blueberries!"
If you're a 21st century American, you may have never eaten fresh blueberries or blackberries that didn't come in a cardboard tray from a supermarket.
Jordan held up the shoot because her teeth and lips were blue from eating blueberries earlier that morning.
I do not think ANY minister's son would eat blueberries that grew on the graves of dead people.
In other places they study insects that eat blueberries or corn.
I can eat sumptuous blueberries, peaches, squash and other produce, thanks to Jersey farms.
In season, it eats blueberries, blackberries, and other fruit.
Roosevelt elk are also known to eat blueberries, mushrooms, and salmonberries.