The first group ate only wheat, the second group ate only bran, the third group at only corn, and the last group at a mixture of the other three.
The mistress would not allow slaves to eat bran, meat, or any other foods that were considered luxurious.
Eat bran and other whole-grain cereals and high-fiber fruits and vegetables, such as apples, prunes, beans, and broccoli.
Most people would only eat bran with breakfast cereal.
Avoid eating bran (such as bran cereals) at the same time as foods that are high in calcium.
Maybe I was just tired of eating bran.
That was unthinkable, so I went along peaceably to the cholesterol room and afterward they said I would live to eat bran again.
A study of eight women suggested that coffee may interfere with the intestinal absorption of levothyroxine, though at a level less than eating bran.
Increase the amount of dietary fiber by eating more fruits (raisins, prunes, peaches, and apples), vegetables (squash, broccoli, carrots, and celery), 100% whole grain cereals and breads, and bran.
The wiry cop had come back and sat down beside me and was telling me how much bran he ate.