Evelyn Sherlock ate delicately, gave Savich disapproving looks, and said again that he was too good-looking and not to be trusted.
They kept their heads high, delicately eating their food.
She sat there in her white sweater, delicately eating.
My big girl will eat delicately from the fall repertory when it's actually on the table.
The tom smacked and gobbled, but the little tabby ate delicately.
Mrs Catanze seemed to take her time as she delicately ate her sandwich.
Zan Zu of Eridu, as Gersen now thought of the girl, ate delicately, without interest.
I see your lady friend eats delicately.
Chiun ate delicately, then wiped his mouth with a silken cloth from one of his streamer trunks.
Satsuki ate delicately, knowing that greed would impair her faculties.