Being one of the first in line, lan was able to load his plate high and he eagerly ate everything.
Rees sat cross-legged on the cabin floor and ate eagerly.
The two boys ate eagerly, sucking at the nipple on the tube.
The fish ate eagerly, and spent most of their time pecking at the gravel on the bottom, or swimming about, looking out at the world.
Hedgehogs will eagerly eat foods that are high in fat and sugar.
She ate eagerly, licking her fingers, not wishing to miss a drop of the juices.
Others remain behind, eagerly eating and talking - not necessarily simultaneously.
Holtmann began to eat eagerly; then his strength failed momentarily, and he devoured the food more slowly.
She was eagerly eating some berries, and with one arm supported her little one.
The others were eating eagerly, with the greed of those who have been on E rations for a long time.