"I remember what it felt like to eat French fries in that car with my friends," he said.
And among children age 19 months to 24 months, 20 percent eat French fries at least once a day.
But even the best cereal will not provide the cover to let you eat french fries, pizza and burgers the rest of the day.
What about people with high cholesterol who keep eating French fries?
"Eat the burger and fries before they get cold," said Don.
If it's left up to him, he'd eat hot dogs and french fries every day.
"Because you know how hard it is to get kids to eat French fries," she said.
Why did they have to be eating fries and hash-browns?
"For everyone that's drunk in the world, you must eat French fries."
I wondered if they had been reduced to eating fries.