Is it safe to eat grapefruit, and can you eat apples after you peel them?
Students eat potato leek soup, carrot and bean salad, lamb with saffron, assortment of cheeses, and grapefruit.
Other recommended activities include walking an hour a day or more, eating organic grapefruit, and doing breathing exercises.
You eat grapefruit Monday and I don't remember what Tuesday, but each day of the week something different.
If it was eat only grapefruit, I've tried it.
Did you ever watch people eat grapefruit?
She gave up on getting me to eat grapefruit - or anything else, for that matter.
But the group that ate red grapefruit every day also had significantly decreased blood levels of triglycerides.
Johnson soon revealed a passion for eating grapefruit, but had trouble when the fruit was uncut.
He is remembered as a man of "strong opinions" who would not eat grapefruit and who slept with a pistol under his pillow.