Buwaya is a crocodile who at the end, eats Tong's friends and Tong left behind.
He often says : "Animals are my friends and I do not eat my friends".
"You also said,", interposed O-aa, "that after you'd eaten all your friends you were about to cut your leg off and start eating yourself."
Relentless terror begins as campers are transformed into bloodthirsty cannibalistic zombies that stalk, chase and eat their own friends.
(Pretheater lying has a very low glamour quotient: after the show is when the actors tend to eat and bring their famous friends with them.)
Judah imagines what it must have been for them, militia and council, to watch that thundercloud become rock and eat their friends.
"After we have eaten I and my friends will accompany you to the king's kraal at Ulundi."
"You make a habit of eating your friends?"
Because of the decreasing variety of food available to him-and his growing insensitivity- man began to kill and eat his friends the animals.
They ate their friends, and they were haunted afterward by what they had done.