Families rarely eat pigs because they are components of income.
They eat cow and pig - it is perfectly notorious.
It's the same as having a section on why it's cool to eat pigs.
"How is it that in the old days we ate only fish and pig and fruit?"
- to which his wife, warming up: 'Would you eat pig?
The young chief had been his special friend, an unassuming warrior who could not possibly have eaten sacred pig.
Woman were forbidden to eat pig, coconut, banana, and certain red foods because of their male symbolism.
I've eaten perfectly good pig in their presence, only to have them lambaste it as a symbol of everything that is wrong with this city.
My dear Ali,' he was saying, 'our religion forbids us to eat pigs.
Father sold Gumdrop when it developed that we were unwilling to eat pigs we had helped raise.