Caribou, musk oxen, deer, moose, whale and other types of game were eaten roasted or preserved.
Peanuts were eaten roasted or dry, and their oil was used in cooking.
The fruits are eaten roasted or raw, and the young, jellylike seeds are also eaten.
The cooked nuts can be used in confections, puddings, desserts and cakes, or eaten roasted.
Jews who strictly interpret this rule will not eat roasted meat or poultry of any kind for their seder.
In Mexico, C. explanatus are eaten roasted and salted to accompany tacos.
Today most peanuts are eaten roasted and salted.
Macadamias are eaten roasted (cooked), or in cookies, cakes, pastries, and candies.
The adults of this species are edible and are eaten roasted and as a taco filling in Mexico.
The meat was mostly eaten roasted and the blood, marrow and milk are drunk or eaten raw.