I also have a small pond, with small frogs that apparently don't eat slugs.
The local population was reduced to eating slugs, before moving on to saddle leather boiled in water.
Most individuals started out with enough rations for only two days; by the third day, people were beginning to eat leaves and slugs.
It eats earthworms, slugs, snails, and most other small insects.
'We have a population of beetles that eats slugs,' adds Rachel.
This specimen also ate slugs prior to pupating, and emerged as an adult some three weeks later.
They will often eat insects and slugs.
"These weren't Stone-Age people sitting around eating slugs from under a rock," he said.
The puppet has a big mouth and it likes to eat slugs.
She says that the badgers eat worms, slugs, and peanut butter sandwiches.