You want to squat in a bush and eat squirrels, see if I care.
These barbarians who declare war on our wildlife have no compunction about eating grey squirrels despite referring to them as 'vermin'.
They eat rats, pigeons and squirrels; small mammals.
But the idea of eating squirrels never appealed to Mr. Lange because he always thought they were members of the rat family.
Some people eat squirrels; but I have never tasted one.
They are carnivorous, eating squirrels and other rodents, small birds, lizards and insects.
The barred owl eats rabbits, squirrels, bats, snakes, and small insects.
Cause you love eating raw squirrels and snakes and stuff.
Normally, coyotes eat rabbits, squirrels and other small wild animals.
Mr. Malmsbury said there was evidence that the most recent cat to die had eaten rabbits and squirrels, but not enough to survive.