Some people can safely eat canned tuna and salmon, but not fresh fish.
Here, perhaps, green consumerism can try to get us to eat tuna that has been caught in a wildlife-friendly way!
You'll be eating tuna and drinking water and protein shakes, but then you feel your mind start to drift.
It's the way they eat tuna in Italy.
"They mostly eat tuna or hamburgers, stuff like that," he said.
The major was sitting against the tracks on the lee side of the communications vehicle, eating tuna from a tin.
He'd eaten tuna until it went bad and he had to throw it overboard.
Most people's experience of eating tuna is through access to the canned product.
Many of us like to eat tuna and European consumers consume over 530 000 tonnes each year.
"The rest, I'm eating tuna out of the can, on my own, at 4:30 before heading to the theater."