It can be eaten uncooked, but is often grilled, fried or boiled in its skin.
Even steaks and liver were eaten uncooked in the Schuylers' home.
It is often eaten uncooked, or slightly heated, by proponents of raw foods.
Country hams from the South never used to be eaten uncooked.
Then get together some grub-stuff we can eat uncooked, put it in the lockout chamber, too.
White truffles, which are eaten uncooked, have a shelf life of no more than about three weeks.
Wild herbs were collected and were eaten uncooked or cooked.
These will last a long time and can eaten uncooked.
If possible, use a separate cutting board to prepare foods that are to be eaten uncooked.
If eaten uncooked, the surface of the plants can transmit Fasciolopsiasis.