Later, as the sun is beginning to set, the group sits on the back of a pickup truck, eating watermelon.
They all fall ill from malaria, then thought to be the result of breathing the night air or even from eating bad watermelon.
Many people like to eat watermelon in the summer because the fruit is cool and refreshing.
"Sometimes at night, we'd sit out here and eat watermelon."
We're going to eat watermelon naked on the back porch and make love under the stars in the open air, Ed.
It's like you could be a black guy in the movies in the 30's, if you were willing to laugh a lot and eat watermelon.
I knew this because I always ate watermelon surreptitiously.
On one occasion, the companions were gathered together, eating watermelon, when they started to throw the seeds at each other and to laugh.
Well, it does beat all that I never thought about a dog not eating watermelon.
Mr. Myers said every black child could see pictures of children eating watermelon and pick up on the stereotypes.