Outside, a black man in work clothes pressed a small eavesdropping device to the living-room window, trying to hear the conversation inside.
We planted an eavesdropping device in the food bag.
His eavesdropping device had also picked up a number of Russian conversations as well.
Surveying the room, Mitch wondered where an eavesdropping device might be hidden.
It soon becomes apparent that this is the perfect eavesdropping device.
Breaking and entering into a private residence to plant an eavesdropping device is a felony.
It turned out to be an eavesdropping device placed on their telephone wire.
Every morning a loudspeaker in the cell - which also concealed an eavesdropping device - would wake us at 6:30.
He agreed to cooperate, and for several months wore an eavesdropping device as he worked his shift.
Over the eavesdropping device, someone inside the compound was heard saying, "Don't shoot until the very last minute."