When Antony heard, his ebbing strength came back, for he was fain to look upon Cleopatra's face again.
And now, with the last of his ebbing strength, he threw the Katei document into the hibachi fire.
Southward, Caer Cadarn lay beyond the reach of his ebbing strength.
Putting all his ebbing strength into a single uppercut, he managed to stagger the knife's owner backward.
A panting moment or two against the angle of chimney and roof helped Vincent to recover a little of his ebbing strength.
Pitt struggled with every ounce of his ebbing strength to pull free, but his legs were pinned too tightly beneath the rubble.
One more frantic effort I made with my fast ebbing strength.
The priest braced himself and swung out with the rest of his ebbing strength.
But she added somewhat ruefully that the composition of the book was "a tax too great for his fast ebbing strength".
Delirious and desperate, she tried to inch away, but was betrayed by the ebbing strength in her limbs.