JL Carr's eccentric charm is completely original, as is his warm, irresistible humour.
Laced with canals left from the days of Dutch rule, its sights have an eccentric charm.
Twice might stale its eccentric charm.
In spite of the eccentric formal charms of these performances, they nonetheless have an alienating effect.
When the banter prevails, this short novel has an eccentric charm.
Horowitz owed his renewed success in his 80's to the eccentric charm of his personality and to his still-distinctive playing.
Great critics have struggled to define the eccentric charm of Doyle's tales.
Performers famous for eccentric charm in their youth can become self-parodies as they get older.
No candidates have yet emerged to replace Toscan, whose energy and eccentric charm will not soon find their equal.
Besides keen-eared writing, a key to his films' eccentric charm is his strange talent for casting nonprofessionals, often his friends.