He is adorning the script, dressing it lovingly in an eccentric fashion, not to impress the audience but to celebrate Chekhov.
It had careened from the road, tilted itself down into a ditch and gone on across the fields, lights shooting from it in eccentric fashion.
He adjusted a special dial that began to revolve in jerky, eccentric fashion.
In eccentric Strelich fashion, the former wife (Karen Young) is a pert and efficient desert police officer.
What if it was not one star, she proposed, but two that were orbiting one another in an eccentric fashion, one of which was out of sight?
Mr. Fonda's film (his first as a director) is, in its eccentric fashion, as romantic a work as the genre has produced.
Fisher went up the stairs to meet him and found hire addressing the occupant of the room in his own eccentric fashion.
But he probably believed that Wingate would not approve of hiding wealth in an eccentric fashion.
Thus baited, the doctor couldn't resist rebandaging Martin in an eccentric fashion.
At Monk's Elaine gets Kramer to summarize the manuscript, which he does in a typically eccentric fashion, leaving Elaine to despair.