In August 2009, it was found that this star has a Jupiter-like planet that orbits in a very eccentric path.
This planet has a minimum mass over 7 times that of Jupiter and orbits at 0.87 AU from the star in a eccentric path.
The new moons are very small, many just a couple of miles in diameter, and carve distant, eccentric paths around their planets.
The debris from the collision departed on an eccentric path, eventually crossing Earth's orbit and impacting as meteorites.
However this planet orbits in a very eccentric path.
The nose-heavy trim gave it an eccentric path, and it spiraled down like a seedpod from a tree.
This planet orbits in a very eccentric path around the star with a period of about four years.
As it is typical for long-period planets, this planet orbits in an eccentric path.
It possessed a satellite whose eccentric path indicated the primary mass was slightly over two and a third the terrestrial.
You're right, Maria, it must be from the outer belt, lately perturbed into an eccentric path.