She's not beyond eccentric touches, either.
So there are a few eccentric touches here and there.
The bronze statue of an arm lifting a tankard over the bar - a working beer pull - is an eccentric touch.
The eccentric touch and no-compromise spirit of Paul W. Klipsch is well known in the industry.
The escargot ($7) starter well represented the Curry Club's eccentric touch.
However, the psychic underpinnings of the affair are pretty standard stuff, despite the inventive degradations the two men devise and some eccentric touches.
Even the coats are made without shoulder pads, and sleeves long enough to cover the hands are one of his eccentric touches.
Yet the series' most eccentric touches, like a one-eyed woman obsessed with noiseless drapery rods, soon became familiar, even stale.
One of Mr. Buchsbaum's few eccentric touches is an amorphously shaped hot tub.
It was the one eccentric touch in the room.