The Society has had a brief revival beginning in 1998, when the society was canonically erected in Melbourne with ecclesiastical approval, although no subsequent branches have been erected.
Following the Second Vatican Council, and with ecclesiastical approval, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur updated their Constitutions in 1984.
Friendship House received formal ecclesiastical approval on September 14, 1934, but because Catherine's approach to interracial justice was so different from what was being done at the time, she encountered much persecution and resistance.
However, others have invoked the right contained in Canon 215 to form a Catholic Association without ecclesiastical approval.
It should also not be confused with a modern "revival" called the Militia Jesu Christi, which sees itself as the continuation of Dominic's foundation, but without official ecclesiastical approval.
The WGCIB has not yet been submitted for ecclesiastical approval and hence has not obtained official recognition as a Catholic version of Sacred Scripture.
The magazine is published with the explicit ecclesiastical approval of the archbishop of Cincinnati in Ohio.
On the following March 10, the local bishop, Henri de Maupas, granted ecclesiastical approval to these women.
(These alliances had the additional advantage of earning ecclesiastical approval at a time when there was growing pressure from canonists against unions within six degrees of relationship.)
Ito's decision by his successors, or by higher authority, the events of Akita continue to have ecclesiastical approval.