Together with other nearby places it formed a unified administrative region, both in ecclesiastical and secular matters.
Thereafter he retired from public life, but published a number of pamphlets on ecclesiastical matters.
Kings of France had the right to make laws and regulations touching ecclesiastical matters.
They also decided to meet on a regular basis to discuss ecclesiastical and political matters affecting the Church.
As he got older he shifted his focus from agriculture and business to ecclesiastical matters.
His earliest writings were almost entirely on ecclesiastical and theological matters.
He advised the queen in ecclesiastical matters, and returned to his former position as the leader of the High Church party.
He was thinking about ecclesiastical matters, and when a man is in that condition of mind he will take anybody's hat.
A devout Anglican, he was also given control over ecclesiastical matters.
After the fall of Napoleon, its competence was extended in 1814 to negotiations with all governments about ecclesiastical matters.