A convention resolution approved the bishops' effort as one stressing "prayer, teaching, information, persuasion and dialogue" rather than "ecclesiastical sanctions" like excommunication.
It is clear that Coenwulf did not dare to risk ecclesiastical sanction by proceeding against Eadberht until the papal position on the matter was made quite clear.
From the political right, the bishops have also heard from Catholic groups calling for ecclesiastical sanctions on pro-choice Democrats.
The canons of the Quinisext Council of 692, which gave ecclesiastical sanction to Justinian's decree, were also never fully accepted by the Western Church.
These ecclesiastical sanctions are usually granted by a bishop or any ranking prelate for publication and approval.
It gave ecclesiastical sanction to the Pentarchy as the government of the state church of the Roman Empire.
In 1147, the abbot of Abingdon sought ecclesiastical sanctions against Martel for attacks that he carried out against the monastery's estates.
The text was brought home to the various countries of Christendom, and finally it received for all time the supreme ecclesiastical sanction.
In 1317 the commune tried and failed to obtain official ecclesiastical sanction for his cult.
The prohibitions and ecclesiastical sanctions of Sicut Dudum related to the newly converted.