Then a pause, while roaring echoes resounded through the room.
From the walls and ceiling, impish echoes resounded in the blackness.
While the low echoes still resounded, the man in black was gone.
While echoes still resounded, his revolver went clattering to the stone floor.
Its rhythmic echoes even resound behind a recent promotion for the "South Park" film.
The echoes of children's voices and the breakfast table's pre-school conflicts still resound in our hearts.
While the echoes still resounded, Hayde's figure hinged from the curtain, took a crazy twist and struck the floor.
Let greater echoes resound as they would, the young mother at the cradle side could always hear those coming.
Its echoes resounded from the hidden walls and died away to nothingness.
The billowy curtains seemed to ripple as the echoes resounded.