The pupils, through the school council and older pupils, requested the inclusion of many eco-friendly features including solar panels, energy efficient lighting and a wind turbine.
It has many eco-friendly features such as a sedum roof and solar panels and was also shortlisted for the South West Build Environment Awards.
The underwear contains eco-friendly features, including bamboo fiber and organic cotton.
Following a major development project which began in 2003, Poh Ern Shih became the first religious building in the country to incorporate both eco-friendly and elderly-friendly features.
Enjoy mind-blowing visual and eco-friendly features in an ultra-slim 16.5mm profile.
Abramson said "They turned the stately but tired building into a dream of a school - light-filled, high tech, souped up with all sorts of eco-friendly features."
The center itself boasts eco-friendly features, including solar panels, "green" walls and a snow cooling system.
The building has a square exterior and features a full-height round atrium (which doubles as an auditorium), and eco-friendly features such as a Biomass heating system.
Is it like any other sedan, or does the Fusion hybrid have more modern, eco-friendly features?
Songdo IBD is a planned city in Incheon which has incorporated a number of eco-friendly features.